donderdag 8 november 2007

New Dehli

Day before yesterday I arrived in New Dehli After a 2 night and 2 day train journey. I am in company of Ewa once again and we sometimes felt like zoo-animals in the train. The train was filled with young people who where in Trivandrum, the southern point of India, to do an exam for vacancies in the Indian Railways, the largest employer in the world. There were 25 vacancies and 4000 people came from whole over India to do the exam. Their trip was payed by the Indian Railways, but still, they choose to sit on the train for three days for it, and the same time for their return. The guy who was sitting opposite of me is a hindi teacher and earns 10 000 rupees a month. But as a train driver he would earn 20 000. Also, Vivek told me, once they have the job, they will have to work in that place for a year, but after that year its easy to get employed for the IR in their hometown. Students, peasants, hindi teachers, all interested in these jobs at the IR in Trivandrum: amazing.
Well, in the train offcourse i wanted to practise my hindi a bit and started talking to my neighbour. But after 5 minutes we were surrounded by loudtalking guys aged 20+. Again I was surprised how pover the knowledge of English is, it's not much better than in the south. That is offcourse a good thing for my hindi, but I had expected much better. Yes, even in the North where there are more white people we are walking flashlights on the streets. "Hello, what's your name?" the school children always ask. "Your good name please? Coming from? Where staying? Job? Ok. Bye" that's an average conversation with most people who start talking to you here.
Another thing: I just say the guy(about our age) sitting in the cabin at the other site here watching porn films, i showed Ewa and I laughed loud. You have to know that sex is a big taboo here. Then the internet cafe owner came and looked at his screen, which was clean offcourse because he had closed or minimalised the windows. The owner closed all of it and when he left the boy started again. A minute later the cafe owner returned and sent him out.
Well, Dehli is huge but has the same little alleys with street shops, cows and rubbish like you can see everywhere. It is unbelievebly crowded, now especially because of the Diwali (Hindu)- festival. There are traffic jams everywhere and the distances are huge so it sometimes takes half a day to get from one place to another. Big city life... On the way and even on the big roads bull or horse carriages and elephants are not a rare sight. It's time to stop here, there is much more to tell but I will be around this blogspot in the next days. Take care dear ones!

3 opmerkingen:

ybr (alias ybrao a donkey) zei

Festivals and VVIP visits cause great hardships to everybody.

Unknown zei

Wees geprezen dat je het suikerfabriek niet meer riekt! :-D
Tof dat je al wat meer hindi kent.
Na een jaar en paar maanden hasselt begin ik ook weer wat traaager te spreeeken..
Amuse toi!

leo zei

seg dieter ge waart toch ni te zat op de pensenkermis want ik had u ni aan de lijn toen ik zondag belde? ;-) leuk da ge af en toe een kijkje neemt. ik weet het, kheb al lang niks meer geschreven, wel geprobeerd ma tkomt er ni echt vlot uit. in mails met mensen daarentegen gaat het vlotter. mss moet ik die mails op de blogspot zetten. de groeten daar op ksj met suikerfabriekgeur.
aan Tom: reactie reactie??? grijns