donderdag 29 november 2007
mail to friend no.2 (excerpt)
in een mailtje aan Tom Delvaux van vandaag:
...ik krijg hier sebiet stress door een gebrek aan stress. of omdat de straat een openbaar stort is
hoe het met mij gaat? goeie vraag. kheb regelmatig wel wat heimwee. tis ook ni evident om hier in de lokale bevolking en/of temperaturen op te gaan. traag maar zeker komt er verbetering in. dagelijkse confrontaties met toeristen en bedelaars zetten aan het denken. ma ik geef ze toch niks ze
. dan eet ik liever een goei stuk chocoladetaart bij een kopje 'echte' koffie (da hebben ze daar in kerala ni echt... allez ja, in de meeste echt grote steden kunt ge wel iets vinden, vooral de toeristische steden want die geven wat de toeristen graag willen, dan kunnen ze veel geld verdienen he.) verder blijft het probleem van zelfdiscipline en plannen en zo... ge weet wel wa ik bedoel. wss ben ik daar gewoon mee geboren.
...ik krijg hier sebiet stress door een gebrek aan stress. of omdat de straat een openbaar stort is
hoe het met mij gaat? goeie vraag. kheb regelmatig wel wat heimwee. tis ook ni evident om hier in de lokale bevolking en/of temperaturen op te gaan. traag maar zeker komt er verbetering in. dagelijkse confrontaties met toeristen en bedelaars zetten aan het denken. ma ik geef ze toch niks ze
mail to friend no.1
Subject: RE:
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 06:37:09 +0100
Subject: RE:
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 06:37:09 +0100
helena zit hier nog heel even. voor mijn tijd, wat bedoel je daarmee?
wat nepalese poezie betreft, ik zag juist een dvd liggen over het leven van Milarepa, als je geinteresseerd ben neem ik m mee.
eigenlijk ben ik momenteel heel lui aan het wezen... ik interesseer me voor weinig en blijf de hele tijd op dezelfde plaats. praat ook weinig tegen mensen. ma ik heb ook het gevoel dat het me weinig zal brengen... uiteindelijk kom je steeds weer jezelf tegen, en dat is waar je mee moet leren omgaan... of zonu ja, het zelfdisciplineprobleem blijft er steeds, en mss ben ik n beetje mensenschuw geworden in delhi. op de blogspot heb ik nu ook al lang niets meer geschreven, tkomt er niet vlot uit zoals voorheen.
ik koop me wel een paar souvenirs en zal een pakje opsturen naar thuis voor kerstmis.
kga straks wel gebeden bijwonen ie boeddhistisch klooster, van 13u30 tot 17u30, nekeer zien hoe ik da volhoudt.
ja, van muziek ben ik wel iets interessants tegengekomen op mn 4-daagse staptocht hier. 1 nacht heb ik een festivalletje in zo'n bergdorp bijgewoond. twas kei koud en ik was kei moe. plek tussen huizen weid verspreid over de terassen. geen licht, geen vuur. volle maan. een schommel (ping in nepalees) aan 4 lange gekruiste bamboestammen gehangen. veel kinderen, jongeren, jongens en meisjes, een paar oudere vrouwen, geen oudere mannen maar genoeg mid-20'ers. in totaal een 50-60-tal mensen. gedanst werd er niet veel, hoewel dat blijkbaar normaal wel de gewoonte is. er was ook geen millet-wijn(van een soort graan), wat anders meestal de aanleiding is tot vechtpartijen tussen de mannen van de verschillende dorpen(voor zo'n festival komen ze van de omliggende dorpen ook af).
maar wat er nu interessant was: een paar gasten hadden n klein percussie-instrumentje ("maddel", tis een kleine mrdangam zoals ze in karnatische muziek gebruiken en een nog grotere versie 'maddalam' wordt in kathakali gebruikt. amandelvormig met afgesneden punten, 1 kant is hoge toon, andere kant lage toon.) rond hem zaten dan nog n paar jongens, die zongen n volkslied. na het refrein nam een groepje meisjes dat iets verder zat het over. tijdens het refrein van de meisjes begonnen de jongens weer te overleggen welke tekst ze voor de volgende strofe als antwoord op de meisjes zouden nemen. twas dus een spel van vraag en antwoord, zeer creatief, en af en toe met enthousiaste kreten van de andere zijde bij een gewaagde tekst. heel leuk. in de bus hoorde ik deze liedjes in een iets modernere vorm, met n beat deronder, blijkbaar vrij populair hier. dat neem ik zeker mee. rond 2u snachts was t schluss en ondernam ik met mn twee kompanen (1 heel goeie zanger) die geen geluk gehad hadden met de vrouwen, de 1 luidop dromend over zn vlam(hoewel hij getrouwd is en 1 zoon heeft, zelf mid-20'er) de tocht weer naar boven richting de guest houses, dat duurde ongeveer n uur door bergop en moe, maar boven was het maanlicht dat de besneeuwde himalayatoppen bescheen adembenemend, tleek wel disney of een theaterdecor.
ok, i'll be honest with you guys: i have a blogspotwritersblock... i've tried a few times, but it just doesn't come out the right way or the way it did. maybe it's because i'm not posting comments on the photos or more photos and the block will not disappear before i did that... who knows, hehe. but i think it's no good to leave the spot in the cold so i will just post my scrambled eggs(...) and some mails i sent/send to people. maybe that will create some reactions, we'll see. i hope u still enjoy reading! xxxxx
scrambled egg no.2: easygoing in Kathmandu
You have to know: who has the money decides. I havn't seen such varied menus anywhere as in the touristic centers here. Nepalese, Indian, Continental, Chinese, Mexican, American, Newari... dishes, all served with the most creative spelling mistakes. Most eating places which present themselves as 'great view' or 'best restaurant' with big billboards -if possible with coca-cola or carlsberg image- are not that satisfying. But anyway, they serve what tourists need to make them feel just like home, and some of them even do a good job. ...
maandag 19 november 2007
scrambled egg no.1: rock 'n roll cappucino and street omelet
Delhi... for me it is the town of huge, immense contrasts...
Gokal puri, the neighbourhood of Viveks house, is in North Delhi. The streets and the air are dirty and crowded. When I want to go somewhere i
no inspiration... sorry but i ll be for next time
"Do you want to be my friend?"
How i hate that phrase. But you will not escape from this question from the moment you start a friendly chat with an indian ...
the metro is hypermodern. brandnew with smartclothed people inside. nice coffeeshops in the bigger stations. and when you come out you see a bullock cart passing by and people lying on the street.
today i was in "Habitat Centre". My God, I was baffled. What a difference. a huge building complex, clean, with clean toilets and toiletpaper which make me feel home after 2 laxating cappuccinos in the "All American Dinner". A 50's Hamburger-Shake bar with all american sausages, muesli, fruits and drinks, whatever... they have it. somewhat more expensive with rich people in it... students, businessmen
Gokal puri, the neighbourhood of Viveks house, is in North Delhi. The streets and the air are dirty and crowded. When I want to go somewhere i
no inspiration... sorry but i ll be for next time
"Do you want to be my friend?"
How i hate that phrase. But you will not escape from this question from the moment you start a friendly chat with an indian ...
the metro is hypermodern. brandnew with smartclothed people inside. nice coffeeshops in the bigger stations. and when you come out you see a bullock cart passing by and people lying on the street.
today i was in "Habitat Centre". My God, I was baffled. What a difference. a huge building complex, clean, with clean toilets and toiletpaper which make me feel home after 2 laxating cappuccinos in the "All American Dinner". A 50's Hamburger-Shake bar with all american sausages, muesli, fruits and drinks, whatever... they have it. somewhat more expensive with rich people in it... students, businessmen
donderdag 8 november 2007
New Dehli
Day before yesterday I arrived in New Dehli After a 2 night and 2 day train journey. I am in company of Ewa once again and we sometimes felt like zoo-animals in the train. The train was filled with young people who where in Trivandrum, the southern point of India, to do an exam for vacancies in the Indian Railways, the largest employer in the world. There were 25 vacancies and 4000 people came from whole over India to do the exam. Their trip was payed by the Indian Railways, but still, they choose to sit on the train for three days for it, and the same time for their return. The guy who was sitting opposite of me is a hindi teacher and earns 10 000 rupees a month. But as a train driver he would earn 20 000. Also, Vivek told me, once they have the job, they will have to work in that place for a year, but after that year its easy to get employed for the IR in their hometown. Students, peasants, hindi teachers, all interested in these jobs at the IR in Trivandrum: amazing.
Well, in the train offcourse i wanted to practise my hindi a bit and started talking to my neighbour. But after 5 minutes we were surrounded by loudtalking guys aged 20+. Again I was surprised how pover the knowledge of English is, it's not much better than in the south. That is offcourse a good thing for my hindi, but I had expected much better. Yes, even in the North where there are more white people we are walking flashlights on the streets. "Hello, what's your name?" the school children always ask. "Your good name please? Coming from? Where staying? Job? Ok. Bye" that's an average conversation with most people who start talking to you here.
Another thing: I just say the guy(about our age) sitting in the cabin at the other site here watching porn films, i showed Ewa and I laughed loud. You have to know that sex is a big taboo here. Then the internet cafe owner came and looked at his screen, which was clean offcourse because he had closed or minimalised the windows. The owner closed all of it and when he left the boy started again. A minute later the cafe owner returned and sent him out.
Well, Dehli is huge but has the same little alleys with street shops, cows and rubbish like you can see everywhere. It is unbelievebly crowded, now especially because of the Diwali (Hindu)- festival. There are traffic jams everywhere and the distances are huge so it sometimes takes half a day to get from one place to another. Big city life... On the way and even on the big roads bull or horse carriages and elephants are not a rare sight. It's time to stop here, there is much more to tell but I will be around this blogspot in the next days. Take care dear ones!
Well, in the train offcourse i wanted to practise my hindi a bit and started talking to my neighbour. But after 5 minutes we were surrounded by loudtalking guys aged 20+. Again I was surprised how pover the knowledge of English is, it's not much better than in the south. That is offcourse a good thing for my hindi, but I had expected much better. Yes, even in the North where there are more white people we are walking flashlights on the streets. "Hello, what's your name?" the school children always ask. "Your good name please? Coming from? Where staying? Job? Ok. Bye" that's an average conversation with most people who start talking to you here.
Another thing: I just say the guy(about our age) sitting in the cabin at the other site here watching porn films, i showed Ewa and I laughed loud. You have to know that sex is a big taboo here. Then the internet cafe owner came and looked at his screen, which was clean offcourse because he had closed or minimalised the windows. The owner closed all of it and when he left the boy started again. A minute later the cafe owner returned and sent him out.
Well, Dehli is huge but has the same little alleys with street shops, cows and rubbish like you can see everywhere. It is unbelievebly crowded, now especially because of the Diwali (Hindu)- festival. There are traffic jams everywhere and the distances are huge so it sometimes takes half a day to get from one place to another. Big city life... On the way and even on the big roads bull or horse carriages and elephants are not a rare sight. It's time to stop here, there is much more to tell but I will be around this blogspot in the next days. Take care dear ones!
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