chachacha, what has all happened over the last month? For the moment I am staying in Mumbai at Viveks nephews place, he is an young upcoming actor here. Mathis and Jeroen left 3 days ago, it hurt. We had a lot of fun together for 25 days, and now I was "alone" again. We left from Mumbai, visited Goa, Hampi, Bangalore, Mysore, I showed them where I had been in Kerala, we went to the amazingly beautiful hill station of Ooty, visited the school in Kanchipuram, went to Mahabalipuram, Chennai, back to Mumbai and Ellora, and they returned to Belgium! We saw mountain and sea, old stones and buzzing cities, rain, sun, hot and cold, a variety of indians, tourists and albinos, we played poker, drank, joked and laughed. It was great. Although we were three we never really had problems between each other.
In a day or so I will be heading for Puna to visit the city, a Hindi teacher there and the famous Osho Ashram! After that I will meet Anke somewhere in Rajasthan or in Delhi and from there we will probably go to Kashmir. Then I will be very grateful to be able to settle for about two months to study Hindi. Options are Puna, Varanasi, somewhere in the mountains,... My parents, sister and Sarah, an Italian exchange student living in my family for a year will come in the end of June and we will travel around together till the end of July.
The last days I spent strolling around in the wide streets of the touristic south of Mumbai, it is filled with tall buildings, some are beautiful and others less. Then even more time I spent in cinema halls, watching Bolly and Holly. I saw an "experimental" play in English and played Football on Vineet's PS2,... isn't that something?
I feel allright, somewhat homesick again, still fattening, but especially looking forward to the two months I will be spending to study Hindi. I look forward to have a home, even if it is only temporarily.
7 opmerkingen:
oh wow! leo has written something new!!!
Hehe. Schön von Dir zu lesen. Du klingst gut! Lass's Dir und Deinen Sprachkenntnissen gut gehn - ich denk an dich!
Geweldige maand indeed. Maar zwaar afzien op ne koude crazy tour na zo een warme maand. Ik verkies toch nog altijd mijn eigen bed bovenal!
Amuseert U daar nog de komende maanden! en volgend jaar naar Japan godverdomme!
Jeroen nog maar eens:
ohja, gelieve uw berichten nen titel te geven, anders verschijnen die niet in den rss-feed, en dan kunnen de mensen die da gebruiken (zoals ik) dus ni weten da ge iet nieuw hebt gezegd/getypt...
hmmm... een eigen bed, daar kijk ik ook terug naar uit. ik zal t onthouden om titels te geven, en volgend jaar naar Japan, godverdomme ps.begint al maar contacten te leggen, daar kunne we ni elken avond op hotel...
Was eens plezant om allemaal te lezen leo, tis precies echt de moeite! Veel succes nog met uw Hindi, en doet de groeten aan Vishnu en Shiva ze
hehe, precies echt de moeite? wa wilt ge daarmee zeggen p-j? ;-) leuk dat ge iets achterlaat! en tot in augustus.
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